Horror Fiction

Ghosts, bogles, big beasties and more...

I have a weird relationship with horror fiction, as I see it through the eyes of a young lad who started out as a sci-fi and fantasy fan and never quite got away from those roots.

Slashers and gore leave me cold, and I never got into the big franchise horrors like Nightmare on Elm Street or Jason goes to wherever the fuck it is this time. But... and it's a big but, I was brought up on the Universal and Hammer horrors and the likes of H P Lovecraft, William Hope Hodgson and the glorious work of Nigel Kneale and it is to them I look for most of my horror inspiration when it comes to writing.

So, like most everything else here, my horror fiction has pulpy roots, and runs a gamut from spooks in old mines, big beasties stomping around the country,lurking Lovecraftian entities and an awful lot of ghost and supernatural stories in various collections. THE GHOST CLUB collection is a good distillate of what I'm all about if you're looking for a place to start.

See the the books below for more details of my general horror fiction. There are also many short stories in anthologies and magazines...and there will be more to come...
My Horror Fiction

All content on this site is © Copyright William Meikle. All rights reserved.